Reunion Island
AustraliaMain Article Official name:Commonwealth of Australia
 Form of government:federal parliamentary state (formally a constitutional monarchy) with two legislative houses (Senate [76]; House of Representatives [150])
Head of state:British Monarch represented by Governor-General
Head of government:Prime Minister
Official language:English
Official religion:none
Monetary unit:Australian dollar ($A)
Population estimate:(2009) 21,829,000 Total area (sq mi):2,969,978 Total area (sq km):7,692,208
Réunion Main Article

Official name:Département d'Outre-Mer de la Réunion (Department of Réunion)1
 Political status:overseas department/overseas region (France) with two legislative houses (General Council2 [49]; Regional Council3 [45]) Head of state:President of France
Heads of government:Prefect (for France); President of General Council (for Réunion); President of Regional Council (for Réunion)
Official language:French
Official religion:none
Monetary unit:euro (€)
Population estimate:(2009) 816,000
Total area (sq mi):970
Total area (sq km):2,512

Reunion Compared to Australia


australian fla
-Australia is a continent.
-Australia is extremely large: 3000km long.
-Australia is ruled over by another country.
-Australia has a rich amount of animal life.
-Australia has warm and cold climates.
-Australia has pies.
-Australia has beaches.
-Australia does not have any active volcanoes.

-australia's population is 20 million.
-australia's main exports are minerals, diamonds and gold.


reunion flag
-Reunion is an island.
-Reunion is extremely small: 45km long.
-reunion is ruled over by another country.
-Animals are rare in reunion.
-Reunion is a single hot climate.
-Reunion has baguette.
-Reunion has beaches.
-Reunion has an active volcano.                                

-reunion's population is 802 000.
-reunion's main exports are bananas, vanilla beans and sugar cane.